I have always preferred a natural body wash over a bar soap and have always wanted to make my own natural liquid soap. When doing some research on the internet I found that there is a totally natural soap called Castile Liquid Soap. Castile soap is made of olive oil and potassium Hydroxide and originated in Spain and for centuries was exported from Europe. Originally castile soap was made from just olive oil and lye. Castile soap has also been known for being a super luxury natural soap, its great for sensitive skin and skin conditions such eczema, psoriasis, and helps put moister back into your skin.
Now since I am a person I like to really know what goes into products just like in my Colloidal Silver Products, I starting searching how to make the castile soap myself. This had me intrigued and I started doing more and more research and found that you could add other oils to make it even more nourishing for your skin.
What I found interesting was that on some websites people are saying that their Castile Liquid soap is the original recipe of only olive oil and if it has other oils then it not Castile Soap. But in my own opinion if 500 years ago if they could of got some of the beautiful oils we can get of today in abundance they would of added some other oils as well. But being originated in Spain which is known for olive oil growing then they used what they could they had a abundance of at the time. So Castile Soap has evolved from just olive oil to now adding coconut and palm, to create more lather and soap suds. We can add other oils to make our soap even more nourishing and luxury soap for our skin. I have opted for the more luxury oils for my skin but still based on the Castile Soap recipe.
After finding a recipe and making a batch castile soap I couldn’t believe how great this natural soap was. I found it hard to believe that by putting a few oils together and Potassium Hydroxide or lye that its makes a wonderful soap, so now I have become hooked on making and using this all natural liquid soap.
The only thing that I found to be a problem was that it took ages to cook, anything from 6 – 12 hours, with living on a property and having only solar power and gas to cook. I decided that I would make a solar oven and cook it in there, it worked! Now how’s that for natural, using natural ingredients and the sun to make it. The next experiment will be is to make my own potassium hydroxide using wood ashes (another natural way of doing things).
Well I love this new Natural Body Wash, what a huge difference in my skin, its so soft and smooth. I have also made a facial cleanser and my face is looking so much better for using it. I have been so impressed with this natural body wash I have decided to share it with you. Castile soap is great for people with skin aliments, and doesn’t irritate your skin. There are no chemicals or additives in this natural body wash, its completely natural oils of Olive, Soybean, Coconut, Sunflower and caster.
We have a large range of fragrances for the men and women to choose from and come in 500 ml bottles starting at only $8 a bottle. Give your skin what it deserves by using Natural Products. Your skin will love you for it.