Years ago I suffered anxiety really bad, it was so bad I couldn’t drive anywhere without having an anxiety attack. Then one day I said to myself is anxiety going control me or am I going to control it. When we are suffering from something whether it is a dis-ease in body or the mind […]
A really good informative video about Colloidal Silver. He also addresses women’s issues in regards to yeast infections, HPV and cervical cancer. He also talks about Malaria and other diseases and how Colloidal Silver will help. In this episode of The New Health Conversation-TV, Peter Greenlaw-Author and Coach Steve Toth-Moderator are having a dialogue with […]
Upon reading through Valarie Ann Worwood book the other day, the book fell open on a chapter on feet. When reading this I was also guilty of neglecting my feet which inspired me to create a foot and heel cream. Below is part of the chapter I read which I felt open my eyes to […]
If you look into sustainable living there are so many people now realising how we can build homes & sheds out of recycle materials, from earth bags, tyres, sand bags and even pallets. I have quite an interest in all this and there is a great website called The National Building Blog. Each day I […]
Have you ever wondered? How an infant and/or a child can physically develop at such a dramatic rate? How a young person can exert so much energy and recover almost instantly? The answer lies in an important natural repair factor that diminishes over time, and essentially vanishes completely as we age. Now there […]
Athlete’s Foot – What it is and how to best treat it. Athlete’s Foot is also known as “tinea pedis,” or Ring Worm, is not too often the subject of discussion over the dinner table, and only seldom discussed with a healthcare professional. Yet, some form of athlete’s foot infections, along with the other members […]
The Common Cold A Cold is a viral infection of the upper respiratory tract which causes your nose to run or become blocked, your throat may feel sore and congested, and your head to ache. You may also have a dry cough. Cold Symptoms may last a few days or up to two weeks, although […]
Hemp Seed oil has so many benefits and is used in a lot of products I make here. I think after reading this information you see why it is used in my products. An Introduction Hemp Seed Oil is pressed from the seeds of the Hemp plant, Cannabis sativa. Hemp Seed Oil is considered to […]